Long Term Management Plan for the Great Western Lakes
Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment
This public consultation opens on Monday, 19/06/2023 at 9:00am and closes on Monday, 31/07/2023 at 5:00pm
Loughs Corrib, Mask, Carra, Conn, Cullin, Arrow and Sheelin represent Ireland’s most unique and valuable freshwater ecosystems and offer the best wild brown trout fisheries in Europe, they are collectively known as the Great Western Lakes. These lakes are located in Counties Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Roscommon, Cavan, Meath and Westmeath. Inland Fisheries Ireland has developed a long-term management plan for these lakes to address many of the factors currently impacting on the ecological wellbeing of native fish stocks and their habitats. Please see Western Lakes Plan FAQ in relation to the plan.
In 2022, Inland Fisheries Ireland held a public consultation on the First Draft of the Plan. A series of open evenings were held at 6 locations in Sligo, Mayo, Galway and Cavan to allow stakeholders to meet local staff to find out more about the plan. An online webinar was also hosted by senior management in IFI to allow any stakeholders to put questions or queries to help inform them to make a submission.
Also, in 2022 Inland Fisheries Ireland screened the plan for Appropriate Assessment and carried out Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping.
Following the completion of the Public Consultation process, Inland Fisheries Ireland reviewed the feedback provided by statutory consultees, the Public and other Stakeholders. The plan was then revised to take account of the feedback where appropriate. Environmental assessments of the revised Plan were then carried out. These comprised a full Natura Impact Statement and Strategic Environmental Assessment - Environmental Report.
In accordance with Environmental Regulations Inland Fisheries Ireland wish to hold public consultations on the Natura Impact Statement and Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report for the Long Term Management Plan for the Great Western Lakes. The Public Consultation will help to inform Inland Fisheries Ireland in their decision on whether to adopt the Plan or not. We would also welcome feedback on the revised plan.
The documents subject to consultation can be downloaded via the links below.
Physical copies of the documents can be viewed at our Galway, Limerick and Ballina Offices during office hours. Details of the office locations can be found via contact us:
Physical copies of the documents can be viewed by appointment at IFI’s Lough Sheelin Office. Appointments can be made by contacting the Shannon River Basin District Office in Limerick.
Copies of the documents can be purchased for a fee of €50 per document. Physical copies can be requested at the Galway, Limerick and Ballina Offices.
Members of the public can make submissions on the Plan, The Natura Impact Statement and/or the Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report by post or email. The address to which written submissions should be sent is WLMP Consultation:
Email to: westernlakesplan@fisheriesireland.ie .
By post to:
Inland Fisheries Ireland
3044 Lake Drive
Citywest Business Campus
Dublin D24 CK66.
The submission should clearly state whether it refers to the Plan, the Natura Impact Statement and/or the Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report. Submissions received after the closing date will not be considered.
Please note:
• Everyone who takes part in an IFI consultation will be notified of the final document emerging from the consultation process.
• The names of respondents and their submissions will be published on IFI’s website at the end of the consultation process (i.e. at the time the document arising from the consultation is published). Any further information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal data” as defined under Article 4 of GDPR) will be redacted prior to publication on the IFI website.
• IFI is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and therefore has to consider any request made to it under that Act. If you consider that any part of your submission would be subject to any of the statutory exclusions under that Act please so indicate in your submission, specifying under which exemption you believe the content should be excluded.
• All personal data that Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) may use is collected, processed and held in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and The Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018.
Please review our WLMP privacy notice here.