fisheries officers

What we do

Inland Fisheries Ireland protects, manages and conserves Ireland's inland fisheries and sea angling resources.


Inland Fisheries Ireland is the Agency that has the statutory responsibility for the protection, development, and management of Ireland’s 74,000 km of rivers and streams together with 128,000 lake hectares. A coastal 12-mile jurisdictional limit is also included.
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Green bank reinforcement in Delphi, Co. Mayo

Conservation and development

Development activities carried out by Inland Fisheries Ireland
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anglers fish

Angling support

How we help angling continue to be recognised as a valuable national asset, by promoting it as a leisure pursuit and developing its potential for tourism.
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Educational talk to youths on fishing and rivers

Education and Outreach

Through learning we promote conservation, sustainability and encourage environmental stewardship.
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Inland Fisheries Ireland carries out applied fisheries research to assess the conservation status of Ireland's fish species, to monitor fisheries stocks in inland and coastal waters and to explore environmental issues that have an impact on fish and their habitats.

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement is an important part of what Inland Fisheries Ireland does. Inland Fisheries Ireland works with a wide variety of groups and individuals at national, regional and community level as well as anglers, commercial fishermen, fisheries owners, NGO's and sporting bodies.
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