Public Consultation: Coarse Fish Regulations
Public Consultation: Coarse Fish Regulations
Inland Fisheries Ireland is seeking submissions from interested parties to update and amend the existing Coarse fish Byelaw currently in operation in Ireland.
Inland Fisheries Ireland intends requesting the Minister to amend the existing byelaw with more updated regulations that will better enable the management of coarse fish species in a sustainable manner.
The key byelaw to be addressed:
- Byelaw 806, 2006 – Conservation and prohibition on sale of coarse fish
The areas being considered for review are:
- Catch and release measure for Tench (Tinca tinca) and Bream (Abramis brama) – any fish inadvertently captured to be handled carefully and returned without avoidable injury to the waters from which they have been taken.
- Movement of live coarse fish - To prohibit the removal and transfer of any live coarse fish species to other waters and to return all fish captured and temporarily retained alive back to the waters from which they have been taken on cessation of fishing.
Inland Fisheries Ireland may, as part of the process, arrange a public consultation meeting if deemed necessary, but all submissions must be received in writing and may be published on the Inland Fisheries Ireland website at
Submissions to be sent by post to the Inland Fisheries Ireland, Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick or alternatively by email to: referencing Coarse fish public consultation.
Closing date for receipt of submissions is at 5pm on 8 August 2018.