Habitats & Conservation Funding Call 2025
Since 2016, a value in excess of €7 million has been awarded by Inland Fisheries Ireland to over 312 projects across the country.
Inland Fisheries Ireland has activated the Habitats and Conservation Funding Call for 2025. Grant funding is available to Inland Fisheries Ireland and to eligible third parties throughout the Republic of Ireland to support sustainable fisheries habitats and conservation. The fund is made up from licence and permit contributions.
Habitats & Conservation Fund
The Habitats and Conservation Funding Call 2025 includes the following schemes:
Midlands Fisheries Fund (MFF): €75,000
This scheme focuses on sustainable development works in the midland fisheries permit area. The fund has been created through contributions from the permit income received via the Midlands Fisheries Group permit. Projects which will be eligible to receive support will improve fish habitats in a sustainable manner (e.g. habitat enhancement, control of exotic species etc.). New to the fund this year will be funding for projects that will benefit anglers and promote angling.
Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund (SSTRCPF) €1,000,000
The aim of this fund is to rehabilitate, protect and conserve Salmon and Sea Trout and their habitats. This year, funding will be available for habitat rehabilitation and conservation projects only (e.g. spawning enhancement, instream and bank protection, fencing, the removal and control of invasive species, etc.). For more information about the Habitats and Conservation Funding Call 2024, an information booklet is available for download:
Please see the video below for details of the funds and some ideas for habitat restoration projects.
As part of a new two-step process, all applicants must firstly complete an ‘Expression of Interest’ application on Inland Fisheries Ireland’s online grant management portal before 4:00pm on Friday, December 13th 2023. After the expression of interest has been completed, full applications must then be submitted to Inland Fisheries Ireland via the online grant management portal by 5:30pm on Thursday, January 30th, 2025.
Key Dates
The following timeline will be in place for the duration of the 2025 call:
- Completed EOI’s can only transfer to full applications until the 13th of December, No EOI's will be accepted for 2025 funding after this date
- Full applications must be developed from the EOI and submitted before 17:00 pm on the 6th of February 2025 (please note: the deadline has been extended by one week to allow for the disruption caused by Storm Eowyn to the 6th of February)
- Decisions on applications and grants will be announced in May 2025
If you are interested in applying for IFI funding it is advised to contact your local IFI office to discuss the most appropriate options. Applicants must complete an EOI on IFI’s grants management portal, a process which is open on a continuous basis all year round. The portal can be accessed by following the link below. Once the EOI is successfully completed, applicants can further develop their application on the grants management portal through appropriate engagement with IFI and specific requirements to your proposal. EOI’s are invited from angling clubs, fishery owners, local development associations, local authorities, tidy towns and others who may be looking to carry out relevant projects. A list of projects is provided below as a guideline.
Apply for Habitats & Conservation Funding 2025
Access the online grant management portal and submit an expression of interest or application
Types of projects that can be considered trough the EOI process are but not limited to:
- Spawning enhancement (addition/raking of gravel or cleaning of existing substrates).
- Fencing (protection of river banks including fences, stiles, cattle drinkers, etc.).
- Riparian zone improvement (selective tree pruning and strategic tree planting).
- Removal/control of aquatic invasive species (e.g. Asian Clam, Chub, etc.).
- In-stream structures (weirs, deflectors, rubble mats, random boulders, etc.).
- River Bank protection (soft engineering measures, log revetments, etc.).
- Feasibility studies/development plans which lead to future projects under the above headings. To a maximum of 80% funding or €5,000 whichever is less).
- Appropriate Assessment screening/other environmental reports for projects conserving Salmon/Sea trout may be funded to a maximum of €5,000.
- Research to evaluate proposed river/habitat rehabilitation efficacy.
- Assessment of status, monitoring of outcomes, funds will be available that will aid in the assessment of the status of either the salmon or sea trout stocks in threatened rivers and water bodies.
- The outline design of Fish passage improvement.
- Provision of match funding to OPW/Local Authorities etc., where the objectives of the project satisfy the objectives of the Salmon and Sea trout scheme and governance, liability is assumed by the lead agency.
- Projects that are of benefit to the Midland lakes anglers.
- Angling promotion in the Midland lakes.
Guidance on Applying for Funding
If you are interested in becoming involved in a project it is advised to firstly discuss your project with Inland Fisheries Ireland, contact details are available for local offices on contact-us .
Applications are only accepted upon registration on the Web Portal Login where an initial expression of interest (EOI) can be submitted. Once the EOI is fully completed it can be developed into a full application for 2022 funding.
Information Booklets and link to Funding Web Portal
To find out more information about the funding available and obtain a ‘how to’ on the application process, follow the links below to access the relevant documents.
To obtain more information on the types of grants that are available, project requirements, contact information and assessment criteria, click on Funding Call Guide above.
Applications are only accepted via the online portal, so to help better understand the process of registering on the system, creating and submitting applications, click on the following User Guide and Instructions Video:
Video: Mapping Assist
Finally when you are satisfied with the requirements for your proposed project, click on the Web Portal Login to begin with the Registration and Application process.
Organisation | Project Title | County | Award |
Kells Anglers Association | Virginia Weir | Cavan | €4,821 |
Restore Ballymacraven River Association | Restore Ballymacraven River - Phase No 1 | Clare | €9,325 |
Lee Salmon Anglers | Lee Salmon Anglers Club - Habitat Enhancement | Cork | €36,000 |
Carrigdhoun Fishery | Carrigdhoun Fishery Sea Trout & Salmon Riverbed Habitat Restoration | Cork | €4,821 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Bullaba River Enhancement Works 2024 | Donegal | €57,090 |
Dodder Anglers Association | Instream Rehabilitation works at Herbert Park on Lower River Dodder | Dublin | €21,508 |
Asdee Community Development Association | Treatment of invasive species along the riverbank of Asdee River | Kerry | €7,000 |
Liffey Salmon Project | Carton House Barrier Mitigation Project 2024 | Kildare | €4,920 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River Barrow - Mountmellick Area | Laois | €49,150 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Assessing how salmon stocks respond to large-scale river restoration and environmental conditions to inform future conservation measures | Mayo | €111,842 |
Foxford Angling Club | The Brook | Mayo | €5,000 |
Cong and District Anglers Association | Cong River Habitat Restoration Project | Mayo | €32,032 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Owengarve stream barrier mitigation project | Mayo | €21,850 |
East Mayo Anglers | River Trough Removal 2023 | Mayo | €61,827 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Instream habitat restoration works on the Knightsbrook River between Scurlockstown and Umberstown, Co. Meath, a tributary of the River Boyne. Phase 3 | Meath | €72,653 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Instream habitat restoration works on the Mongadh River, a tributary of the River Boyne at Castlejordan, Co. Meath. | Meath | €47,018 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Habitat restoration works on the Skane River, a tributary of the River Boyne, between Dowdstown and Dunsany, Co. Meath. Phase 1: Dalgan Park. | Meath | €17,051 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Salmon habitat maintenance works on the Trimblestown River, Kilnagros, Co. Meath | Meath | €7,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Salmon habitat maintenance works on the River Boyne at Newtown, Trim, Co. Meath. | Meath | €7,000 |
Kells Anglers Association | Kells Blackwater Carnaross | Meath | €32,536 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Killary River Benjerstown Fencing 2023 | Meath | €19,250 |
Navan Anglers Association | Feasibility Study for Balmoral Weir Removal | Meath | €4,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Salmon Conservation Limit Attainment 2025 | National | €148,461 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Camcor Solar Pumps | Offaly | €35,886 |
River Easkey Angling Club | River Easkey Bank Stabilisation at Carrigeens | Sligo | €3,010 |
Ballisodare Fishing Club | Ballisodare River- Habitat Restoration Works 2024 | Sligo | €7,898 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River Nore Main Channel - Roscrea | Tipperary | €20,900 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Large Woody Habitat Research Project | Wicklow | €67,014 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Devil's Glen gravel augmentation | Wicklow | €23,017 |
Organisation | Project Description | County | Award |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | For the Grange and Breaghmore rivers including stock drinking troughs & habitat fencing | Offaly | €30,590 |
East Wicklow Rivers Trust | Rock ramp construction to improve fish passage at Ballinglen Bridge on the Aughrim River | Wicklow | €14,855 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Project on the Doonbeg River for riparian buffer with native planting and habitat fencing on 1.6km of riverbank. | Clare | €16,688 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Baseline survey to collect new research data in 2023 re conserving and protecting wild salmon and sea trout in the Bantry Bay area. | Cork | €140,000 |
Ennis and District Anglers | Riparian restoration project on the River Fergus, for a riverside buffer with habitat fencing, stock water systems and troughs. | Clare | €26,036 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River restoration project on the Stoneyford River on the Boyne, for spawning enhancement, riparian improvement with habitat fencing, stock water systems and troughs. | Westmeath | €72,911 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River restoration project on the Knightsbrook River on the Boyne, for spawning enhancement, riparian improvement with habitat fencing, stock water systems and troughs. | Meath | €66,319 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River habitat restoration works on the Straide and Garracloon streams on the Moy River for riparian improvement with habitat fencing, native planting, stock water systems and troughs. | Mayo | €55,091 |
Kells Anglers Association | Appopriate assessment of the proposed river restoration site on the Kells Blackwater Carnaross | Meath | €3,500 |
River Easkey Angling Club | Feasibility study of the River Easkey Catchment with a focus on process-based rehabilitation measures and recent research on river restoration works in an era of climate change. | Sligo | €5,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River restoration project on Newtown river, Castleconor, for spawning enhancement, riparian improvement with habitat fencing, stock water systems and troughs. | Sligo | €29,329 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River restoration project on the Tyshe River, Ardfert in conjunction with Kerry Co. Co. Elements involved include channel and spawning restoration with native planting along the riparian zone. | Kerry | €18,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Restoration project on the River Esker that joins the River Barrow in conjunction with Offaly CoCo. Focused on spawning restoration on a degraded channel. | Offaly | €50,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | To establish the hydromorphological classification of the National Salmon Index Catchment on the Erriff River. | Mayo | €25,188 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | River restoration project on the Rye River that joins the River Liffey. Focused on spawning restoration on a degraded channel with a severe decline in Atlantic salmon. | Kildare | €1,314 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Project for a feasibility study of the Black River catchment with a focus on process-based rehabilitation measures and recent research on river restoration works in an era of climate change. | Galway | €5,000 |
Clane Trout and Salmon Anglers Association | Feasibility study of the River Liffey at Clane on aquatic and terrestrial weed management with possible identification on sources of enrichment. | Kildare | €4,995 |
Cong and District Anglers | Project to identify appropriate measures to optimise spawning opportunities for salmon and sea trout in the Cong village area, that will not have a detrimental impact on other native fauna. | Mayo | €13,610 |
Leenane Development Association | Invasive species management project on the Bundorragha and Erriff Rivers. The proposal is focused on control and eradication of rhododendron infestation in riparian/near-riparian zones. | Mayo | €30,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Appropriate assessment of the proposed river restoration works on the Bulba River on the Leannan Catchment. | Donegal | €3,500 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Project to undertake eDNA analysis of Irish rivers in 2023 to monitor for the potential presence of invasive Pacific pink salmon. | National | €36,311 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Project for a nature-based river restoration project on the Bealanabreac River that joins the Corrib catchment. | Galway | €73,000 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland | Salmon Conservation Limit Attainment 2024. Project to undertake national catchment-wide electrofishing analysis of Irish rivers in 2024 to monitor and support the conservation and management of Atlantic salmon. | National | €143,584 |
Navan and District Angling Association | Project for the river restoration project on the River Skane that flows into the Boyne system in Navan. Proposals including spawning enhancement, riparian improvement with habitat fencing is subject to appropriate assessment. | Meath | €34,451 |
Habitats and Conservation Funding Awards 2021
We are delighted to announce the recipients of our 2021 funding call to support fisheries conservation and angling development projects. The funding has been granted to 18 projects in 10 counties.
The 2021 projects will receive funding under the following funding schemes:
Midlands Fisheries Fund (€41,278)
This scheme focuses on conservation and rehabilitation projects in the midland fisheries permit area. The fund has been created through contributions from the permit income received via the Midlands Fisheries Group permit area.
Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund (€744,326)
This scheme focuses on the protection of both salmon and sea trout. It is funding rehabilitation, protection and conservation projects, all of which focus on salmon and/or sea trout.
The recipients of the 2021 funding call grants for the SSTCPF and MFF Schemes were:
Fund |
Grantee |
County/Counties |
Project Description |
Grant Award |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Kilkenny |
Brett's Weir - Construction Stage for a Rock Ramp Fish Pass |
€120,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Laois |
Remedial work on a section of the River Erkina, Rathdowney, Co. Laois |
€24,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Mayo |
Establishing the sea temperature regime utilised by sea trout in Irish waters |
€40,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Galway |
Dawros River Catchment Management Plan |
€30,000.00 |
Kilbarry Angling Club |
Co. Cork |
Kilbarry Salmon Fishery Bank Erosion Protection |
€17,500.00 |
Kilbarry Angling Club |
Co. Cork |
Improvement Works (Soft Engineering Willow and repair of Stone Footing) River Blackwater Kilbarry Salmon Fishery |
€48,000.00 |
Glenville and Kildinan Trout Anglers Association |
Co. Cork |
Glenville and Kildinan Trout Anglers enhancement and remedial works project |
€56,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Limerick |
Askeaton Weir Complex Fish Passage Development Plan |
€105,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Wexford |
Hire of Consultant Engineer for the Weir Removal at the Still Pond |
€30,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Carlow |
Ballynacarrig River enhancement works phase 1 |
€100,000.00 |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Co. Galway |
Clare River System Development 2020-2021 |
€82,000.00 |
West Limerick Deel Anglers |
Co. Limerick |
Riddlestown Stream Rehabilitation |
€10,000.00 |
East Wicklow Rivers Trust |
Co. Wicklow |
Wicklow Fish barrier removal project |
€50,000.00 |
Rosses Anglers Association |
Co. Donegal |
Craghy/Dungloe stream habitat improvements. |
€16,826.00 |
East Mayo Anglers Association |
Co. Mayo |
5 Year Development Plan for East Mayo Anglers Association |
€15,000.00 |
Lough Ennell Trout Preservation Association |
Co. Westmeath |
Dysart fencing / water quality improvement project |
€15,000.00 |
Lake O’ Flynn & District Angling Association |
Co. Roscommon |
Planning for in stream enhancement - Upper River Suck |
€11,500.00 |
Fore Heritage and Amenity Group |
Co. Westmeath |
Fencing / water quality protection, Glore River at Fore |
€14,777.97 |
The types of projects that can be considered through the EOI process include: If you are interested in applying for IFI funding it is advised to contact your local IFI office to discuss the most appropriate options. Expressions of Interest (EOI) for IFI funding are invited year round by clicking on the Web Portal Login. Organisations and individuals that are eligible to submit an EOI include all groups, associations, clubs, local authorities, licence holders or other appropriate bodies looking to improve our inland fisheries and sea angling resource and improve access to angling for all.
Fisheries habitat enhancements
Bank side/shoreline access projects
Instream angling access projects
Angling equipment
Marketing and promotional projects for angling
Feasibility studies/environmental reports/fisheries development plans
Sponsorship DAF MFF Support Scheme disbursements 2011 to 2020 (247 KB)
Fisheries Project Case Studies
Lough Ree Angling Hub Feasibility Study (333 KB)
Improving Angling Access and Infrastructure (556 KB)
Habitat Enhancement Mayo (498 KB)
Equipment Project Waterford (351 KB)
Other Funding Schemes
Inland Fisheries Ireland Funding Schemes
Other sources
Please visit the websites of the other funding bodies for the latest information regarding their schemes.