Great Western Lakes Questionnaire

Inland Fisheries Ireland wishes to develop a long term management plan for the Great Western lakes to address many of the factors currently impacting on the ecological wellbeing of native fish stocks in these catchments. To this end IFI have prepared a draft plan and now wish to consult with stakeholders to get their feedback on the approach proposed. In order to have your say, please provide your feedback in the spaces provided below. These spaces follow the structure of the draft plan. We request that people limit their feedback to one response per person.

The names of respondents and their submissions will be published on our website at the end of the consultation process (i.e. at the time the document arising from the consultation is published). All personal data is collected, processed and held by Inland Fisheries Ireland in accordance with WLMP Privacy Notice.

Please Note: The deadline for making submissions has passed and no further submissions can be made.