Currane Anglers are needed for Citizen Science survey to examine fish stocks

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI), the state agency responsible for the conservation and protection of freshwater fish, habitats and sea angling resources is asking anglers who have fished the Currane catchment in Co. Kerry for their views. A new online survey has been developed to gather anglers’ knowledge - the survey method called FLEKSI was developed by IFI to help give an insight into the status of the fishery.
Over recent decades populations of sea trout and salmon throughout Ireland are facing serious challenges from various ecological changes. IFI’s Currane STAMP programme is already assessing fish populations within their freshwater and marine phases to report current status and provide scientific advice to support the development of appropriate conservation management measures.
The data gathered in the FLEKSI survey has the potential for citizens to get involved and provide important insights to guide fisheries management in the future. This survey is for all anglers who fish in the Currane catchment for various species. all responses will help us to build an understanding of the history and ecological status of your fishery.
FLEKSI, which stands for Fisher's Local Ecological Knowledge Surveillance Indicators aims to capture anglers' knowledge and hands-on experience to help track changes in fish stocks and ecosystems.
Dr William Roche, a Senior Research Officer with Inland Fisheries Ireland and manager of the STAMP project said: ‘Anglers are keen observers of nature and are aware of changes within their fisheries. We are looking for anglers to share their knowledge and contribute to the conservation and management of this important sea‑trout and salmon fishery. The Currane fishery is particularly highly regarded by anglers, but there is grave concern about the health of its fish stocks in recent years. By capturing these observations, which inevitably span an individual angler’s entire angling career, we believe their unique insight into the fisheries environment will help us to track and understand changes in Currane’s sea trout stocks and the ecosystem as a whole.’
The Currane catchment in Co. Kerry is Ireland’s most important sea trout fishery, with a long history of high-quality fishing, particularly for larger sea trout. The fishery is renowned internationally and has been the cornerstone of sea trout and salmon fishing in the southwest of the country since the 1900s. The FLEKSI survey will give anglers on the Currane catchment an exciting opportunity to share their knowledge as citizen scientists and to make a valuable contribution towards fisheries management on the fishery.
If you fish the Currane system, please fill out the following survey
Each participant also can opt to enter into a prize draw for angling tackle, with one €200 voucher and one €100 voucher to be won.
For media information:
Sadhbh O’Neill
Inland Fisheries Ireland
E :
T : 087 1019998
Media interviews:
Organisers are available for media interviews or to give further comment.
About Inland Fisheries Ireland (
Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Environment, Climate and Communication (DECC) and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. Inland Fisheries Ireland promotes supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling. Inland Fisheries Ireland also develops policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling and advises the Minister on same (