Webinar for the Great Western Lakes Management Plan

Public Notice

Inland Fisheries Ireland is hosting an online webinar from 7pm to 8:30pm on Thursday, 15th of September as part of the public consultation process for the Great Western Lakes Management Plan.

Since the public consultation was launched in August, Inland Fisheries Ireland has organised six in-person open evenings, where members of the public had the opportunity to drop in and meet an Inland Fisheries Ireland representative, discuss the draft plan, seek clarification or ask questions.

Those with an interest in the draft plan, who weren’t able to attend an open evening, are now being invited to register online to attend a webinar at the link below.

Recommendation: Those planning to attend this webinar are being advised to familiarise themselves with the contents of the draft plan and the associated list of Frequently Asked Questions, both of which can be found through the links below.



To download the draft plan, please click: https://www.fisheriesireland.ie/media/draft-great-western-lakes-management-plan


To see the list of frequently asked questions, please visit: https://www.fisheriesireland.ie/news/public-consultations/western-lakes-plan


Graphic to promote a webinar for the Great Western Lakes Management Plan public consultation

A webinar is being organised on September 15th, as part of the public consultation process for the Great Western Lakes Management plan.

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