Inniscarra to remain closed until carp mortalities cease in Cork

Public Notice

Inniscarra to remain closed until carp mortalities cease in Cork

Fisheries Officers in Cork have removed 757 dead carp from The Lough and collected 207 from Belvelly Lake as of 14th May. Just under 3.8 tonnes of fish have been destroyed to date.

Inniscarra and Carrigadrohid reservoirs remain closed for all angling until mortalities at the Lough and Belvelly cease. This measure has been taken to minimise the risk of Carp Edema Virus (CEV), detected in the carp samples taken from The Lough and Belvelly, spreading to the reservoirs.

Anglers are advised to stay away from the waters and IFI protection officers are patrolling the area to enforce the restrictions.

We would remind all anglers to continue to follow appropriate disinfection procedures for all gear and to comply with local notices and bio-security measures.

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