Press Release

Inland Fisheries Ireland Angling Amenities Project, Leitrim

Press Release 22/03/13

Inland Fisheries Ireland Angling Amenities Project, Leitrim

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) marked the completion of an angling development project under the Interreg IVA Cross Border Harnessing Natural Resources Programme in County Leitrim today. The IFI project incorporated the development of angling facilities at two locations; Acres Lake, Drumshanbo and Herons Shore, Lough Allen.

Fergus Lynch, IFI at the Heron's Shore development

Fergus Lynch, IFI at the Heron's Shore development

The aim of the programme was to harness the nature based tourism potential of the region and foster cross border economic development. Inland Fisheries Ireland upgraded existing car parks, added additional car parking spaces, angler access points, information signage and floating fishing stands.

Speaking at the ribbon cutting ceremony, Mr. Brendan O’Mahony, chairman of the Board of IFI, stated that “the essential investment in programmes such as this one ensures the long term sustainability of angling amenities for Ireland. It increases visitor numbers which in turn provides job opportunities and revenue for local communities. It also raises the standard of the angling experience for all levels of angler and ensures that the resource is accessible for all to enjoy”. Mr. O’Mahony also commended the commitment of the drivers of such projects and their vision.

Amanda Mooney, Director IFI, and Brendan O'Mahony, Chairman IFI

Recognising that the phase completed by Inland Fisheries Ireland was only one part of the overall programme, IFI Director Amanda Mooney commented that 'IFI were delighted to be given the opportunity to be part of the overall Harnessing Natural Resources Programme and we wish success to our partners in the completion of their project components'.


For Media Enquires

Suzanne Campion
Swords Business Campus, Swords, Co. Dublin.
Tel: 052 6180055

Notes to Editor:

The Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI)is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Its principal functions are to advise the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources on policy relating to the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries and sea angling.

Interreg IVA Cross Border Harnessing Natural Resources

The project comprises of 26 rural tourism and enterprise initiatives across the three counties of Cavan, Fermanagh and Leitrim. With three flagship projects at Dowra Courthouse in Cavan, The Marble Arch Caves Visitor Centre in Fermanagh, Sliabh an Iarainn Visitor Centre in Leitrim and other projects to include walking, cycling and touring trails, attraction and angling developments, recreational and enterprise facilities.
The aim of the project is to build on cross-border opportunities by promoting a shared approach to rural regeneration through tourism, enterprise and social development.
The project will act as a catalyst for private sector investment in new businesses and create an opportunity for entrepreneurial activity in the area. Community groups and organisations in the area have played a central role in the development of the project and will be key to its successful implementation. Enhancement of the environment and infrastructure, combined with economic and enterprise support initiatives, will be of long term benefit to the local economy.

Photos Available to accompany this release.