Lifting of Angling Advisory from July 2021- Notice

Fógra Poiblí

Lifting of Angling Advisory from July 2021

As water temperatures have sufficiently reduced in recent days, Inland Fisheries Ireland has lifted its July 2021 angling advisory around the use of keep nets.

However, fish that show any signs of stress (caused by environmental factors such as high-water temperatures or low water levels) should be released and no fish should be unnecessarily retained in keep nets.

When warmer weather returns, anglers are asked to be aware of potential water temperature issues when fishing for salmon or trout.

Anglers are also asked to be particularly careful if handling fish and not to remove the protective mucus on its body, as fish can become sick if their protective mucus layer is damaged. 

For more guidance around correctly handling fish, please see below.

Inland Fisheries Ireland wishes to thank all anglers and angling clubs, associations and federations for their support of the July 2021 angling advisory.

 Correctly handling fish

 If you plan to return the fish that you catch, try and use barbless hooks or flatten the barbs on your hooks with a pliers.

  • Use a rubber mesh landing net when landing a fish (never beach them).
  • If possible, keep the fish in the water.
  • If removing the fish from the water, ensure you return it as soon as possible
  • Wet your hands prior to touching the fish.
  • If picking up a fish, support the whole body; they can be harmed by lifting from the tail or head.
  • Remove hooks with a disgorger or suitable forceps
  • If weighing the fish, use a sling – never weigh by holding by the chin.
  • If necessary, revive the fish in the water by holding it upright facing into the current until it is strong enough to swim away.
  • It is better to cut the line than to try and remove a hook from a deeply hooked fish and always cut the line and release a deeply hooked eel.
  • Never use a keepnet in hot weather. If you do use one in cooler weather, make sure that it is fully extended into suitably deep water.
  • For the correct handling of Pike, please see further information below
Pike Conservation and Handling
(3.16 MB)

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