SaNaMa, St Etienne Trade show application
To register your interest in attending this trade show please complete the form below.
An angling trade show is taking place in St Etienne, France from 22 - 23 February 2025. Inland Fisheries Ireland are planning to attend this show and are looking for a small number of trade partners to attend alongside us. We envisage having room for 3 trade depending on interest.
MARKET | France |
Trade partners, tour operators, marketing groups, accommodation providers, fishing guides, fishery owners, etc. Please note Fly Fishing only |
2 Trade places
Date | 22 - 24 February 2025 |
LOCATION | Parc des Expositions Halle B (rear entrance) Rue Raymond Sommet 42000 SAINT ETIENNE |
COST | Free of Charge (Exhibitors must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.) |
WEBSITE | https://www.sanama.fr/ (Please check all relevant information on the show website) |
SIGN UP BY | 18 December 2024 |
MORE INFO | Myles Kelly myles.kelly@fisheriesireland.ie |
SAlon interNAtional de la Mouche Artificielle, SaNaMa is the internationally renowned fly fishing show set in France. The show is organized by volunteers from the Forez-Velay Sport Fishing Club in Saint-Etienne. This show is dedicated to fly fishing and exhibitors must only promote fly fishing on their stands.
The “Angling Ireland Stand” stand will measure circa 18m2 (3m x 6m) and exhibitors will have their own table and seating. Please note that there is no provision for partner displays, banners, backdrops or pop-up stands. Please ensure that you bring your “Angling Ireland” pull up banner with you! Further information on this may be obtained from the contact above.
The stand will have its own electricity supply for laptops and other electronic devices and WiFi access. Please note that a different plug (adapter) is required for France.
It is recommended that participants have a supply of high-quality promotional material as well as costed/priced fishing packages mainly in French but English may also be requested.
Exhibitor using audio visual displays are must ensure they have an appropriate licence to play any music that is featured in their presentation. Unlicensed use of copyrighted music may result in extra fees/fines from the national copyright protection organisation.
An ability to converse in French with visitors to the stand is desirable but not essential as assistance can be provided by other stand members.
The show runs from 09:00 to 19.00 on Saturday and 09:00 to 17:30 on Sunday. Please note that expressions of interest do not infer the guarantee a place and criteria such as market experience, language skills and quality of promotional material and previous commitment to the market may be used as deciding factors when allocating stand spaces.
IFI reserve the right to make the final decision on attendance.
All travel and accommodation arrangements related to the show are the sole responsibility of the individual exhibitors.