Child safeguarding

Child safeguarding ensures that children, young people, families and staff are kept safe and protected from harm.

In line with The Children First Act 2015, clubs that provide services to youths, must keep youths safe from harm while they are using the service, and carry out a risk assessment to identify whether a child or young person could be harmed while availing of the service. Please refer to your local sports partnership for training and to your affiliated federation for guidance and your safeguarding policy.

  • Introduction to Children First – This online e learning programme has to be completed by all in the club who may have contact/interact with children.
  • Safeguarding Training – Sport Ireland through local Sports Partnerships deliver three workshops in the area of Safeguarding and child protection.
  • Safeguarding 1 – Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course. Any person working with or who interacts with or is involved in the planning/administration of activities or events with young members must first complete this three-hour course.
  • Safeguarding 2 – Club Children’s Officer (CCO) Workshop – This course is for any person taking on the role of the Club Children’s Officer (CCO).
  • Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Workshop – This course is for any person taking on the role of the Designated Liaison Person (DLP).

Child safeguarding statement – Please check with your affiliated federation for their child safeguarding statement that can be adapted by the club. Otherwise, please visit Tusla Website for documentation on how to develop a child safeguarding statement and for a sample statement template.